Mindfulness and Yoga are a practise, a natural flair perhaps and a lot of practise is needed to compete in sports.
Efficiency of movement and Body awareness are huge factors in deciding the ability of a sports person, along with strength and aerobic capacity they form the basis of athletic ability. Yoga is a key to unlocking efficiency of movement and even gains in VO2 max and lung function.
Breath is vital to all life, none more so than when we get short of it on the sports field.
Suppleness and flexibility are vital for injury prevention and cure for which Yoga is paramount.
Mindfulness, awareness, focus and resilience can all be developed with practise. Mindfulness and Yoga leads to better body awareness and better functioning in the Now.
Zen Balance runs, specific courses or workshops for sport and wellness in both Yoga and Mindfulness. There is a specific eight week Mindfulness for Wellbeing course that looks at many topics and practises beneficial to persons on and off the sports field.
Please contact me with any questions or for further information.