Employee wellbeing is of paramount importance not only too the employee but for the benefit of any organisation to be successful and efficient. More and more people feel under pressure to perform a variety of roles in the work place.
Stress and anxiety related psychological conditions account for at least one in five visits to see a GP. (source NHS)
Mindfulness and Meditation can be a useful tool in the corporate world for stress management as both prevention and cure. Expectations and economic climate are placing more pressure upon business in turn asking more from the employees. The growing fear of lack of job security in employment has the effect of increasing stress and anxiety.
Stress is our response to outside stressors. In modern living and the workplace we seem to have created any number of these.
Businesses are thankfully increasingly placing more emphasis on employee wellbeing, the nature of human relations and the working enviroment.
It is a fact content balanced people are more productive, confident, less prone to mistakes and are more creative. They role with life and live in the Now.
Zen Mindfulness and Meditation for wellbeing is a an eight week course, specifically designed by my teacher Julian Daizan Skinner to enhance personal wellbeing. More information is available on the wellbeing page regarding topics, practises and general themes.
The course has been running successfully in many organisations and having significant positive impacts.
Resources focused on good leadership and management practices can impact on health and wellbeing.
An organisational culture centred around wellbeing, including positive personal engagement and core psychological values, optimises workplace potential and development.
Here at Zen Balance, we are also able to offer workshops to fit your company, taster days about mindfulness and in particular corporate days involving the mindfulness techniques and practises utilising such sports as kitesurfing, Stand up paddle boarding and surfing, designed to awaken us to the present moment and all its beauty.
Please contact me for more information on different courses, relevant pricing, and any general enquires.
Being the joy of living.