Recently had a bit of lurgy, its the time of year I guess. Today was the first day back on the water for a few days, actually quite a while as I have been away doing yoga.

I didn’t wish to take the heart rate monitor, and work to parameters. It felt good to just be on the water and go by a sense of feel and enjoyment, to be out in the fresh air.

So much of life is defined by numbers and how and in what way we each perceive them and to what value we give them.

The sun is really bright today and glorious in the autumn air, the river was flowing quite fast. There are still some leaves left on the trees that are really amazing varied colours.

But then I could have put my head down, perceived the hour spent on the water as a training session only, and listened out  for the electronic beep of my heart rate monitor to tell me where I am.

I am so grateful I left the constraints of speed and numbers to find presence out on the water. I was not training there is nothing to train for, I was there because I love being there.

How often in all of my life do I forget this is not training, there is not something to win, this is it, Now.